Thank you very much to everyone who came out to join Team Abby on Sept. 20th! It was a beautiful day and our shirts were bright and sunny and plentiful!
Abby recently recovered from over a week of pain, related to her autonomic nervous system. This affects her entire digestion system and other internal processes that should function automatically. She is feeling great again now, but wasn't completely well on the day of the Run4Rett. We were glad she could join us, though. She's excited to look at all the photos and talk about all the people who came out to support her.
Thank you to everyone who made pledges and donations to the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association! Every year we are glad to welcome new families to the Run4Rett. Each of these families benefits from the work of O.R.S.A. This year, there was a really big crowd, including about twenty people with Rett syndrome.
Closest to home, we see the direct impact of your dollars at the Rett Syndrome Clinic with several of Abby's medical specialists in London, Ontario. And O.R.S.A. will soon be calling for proposals for a new research grant. We continue to support the logistics of the Canadian Rett Syndrome Registry to prepare for natural history studies and clinical trials to find effective treatments for Rett syndrome. We also look forward to the next O.R.S.A. conference in Ottawa in April 2016, where we'll hear experts speak about the latest information in communication technology, medical management and scientific research. It's also a great opportunity for clinicians, researchers, and parents to collaborate on the many challenges of Rett syndrome.
For those of you interested in who won the race, I have no idea; I was too busy talking. Rumour has it that Ben and Megan crossed the finish line first and they were too fast for anyone to capture the evidence.
We all enjoyed the sun, the run, and the fun. Thanks for continuing to make our whole family feel supported.
(I will update this post with fund-raising results once they are available.)
Abby recently recovered from over a week of pain, related to her autonomic nervous system. This affects her entire digestion system and other internal processes that should function automatically. She is feeling great again now, but wasn't completely well on the day of the Run4Rett. We were glad she could join us, though. She's excited to look at all the photos and talk about all the people who came out to support her.
Thank you to everyone who made pledges and donations to the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association! Every year we are glad to welcome new families to the Run4Rett. Each of these families benefits from the work of O.R.S.A. This year, there was a really big crowd, including about twenty people with Rett syndrome.
Closest to home, we see the direct impact of your dollars at the Rett Syndrome Clinic with several of Abby's medical specialists in London, Ontario. And O.R.S.A. will soon be calling for proposals for a new research grant. We continue to support the logistics of the Canadian Rett Syndrome Registry to prepare for natural history studies and clinical trials to find effective treatments for Rett syndrome. We also look forward to the next O.R.S.A. conference in Ottawa in April 2016, where we'll hear experts speak about the latest information in communication technology, medical management and scientific research. It's also a great opportunity for clinicians, researchers, and parents to collaborate on the many challenges of Rett syndrome.
For those of you interested in who won the race, I have no idea; I was too busy talking. Rumour has it that Ben and Megan crossed the finish line first and they were too fast for anyone to capture the evidence.
We all enjoyed the sun, the run, and the fun. Thanks for continuing to make our whole family feel supported.
(I will update this post with fund-raising results once they are available.)