Saturday, August 24, 2019

2019 Registration and Abby Update

This year's Run4Rett will be the 15th time Team Abby has rallied together to raise funds and awareness for the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association! Although this is very short notice, we hope to see many of you there. If you can't come, please consider a donation to the cause. Your support is appreciated.

Date: Sunday, September 15th, 2019
Time: 10 a.m. check-in
Place: Richmond Green Park, Richmond Hill

Online Registration
Printable Pledge and Registration Form
Sponsor Team Abby

Until recently, Abby has had a very good year and experienced relatively good health. She is currently struggling with some new medical challenges and pain management. Rett syndrome is complex. It often takes time to determine the best course of treatment for the various symptoms that arise. Hopefully, Abby will be on the mend soon. She really looks forward to the Run4Rett each year!

During her first year out of high school, Abby was kept busy with her newly developed school workshops. They were a combination of a book study, accessibility education and discussion to promote empathy and inclusion. She visited 36 classes and reached over 900 students! As she's developed her confidence to present in front of a live audience, she's received invitations for other speaking engagements. She continues to work on her literacy skills to become a more fluent communicator. Abby has really enjoyed this leadership role and hopes to continue offering the workshops for more school children.

Abby is determined to raise awareness about physical accessibility and she was honoured to be chosen as a Youth Accessibility Leader for the federal government's Enabling Accessibility Fund. This will involve some work in the fall to identify potential community projects to suggest for accessibility funding.

One of Abby's goals is to work with senior citizens and another is to be involved in creating art work. With the help of a facilitator, this year, she will be leading a series of art workshops at a retirement home in the community.

We continue to believe in O.R.S.A.'s mission to ensure that individuals with Rett syndrome are enabled to achieve their full potential and enjoy the highest possible quality of life. While we support Abby's work to create a meaningful life for herself, we recognize that there is still no useful treatment to alleviate the complex symptoms of Rett syndrome. This year, O.R.S.A. awarded $150,000 in research grant funding to scientists in Canada to investigate Rett syndrome. O.R.S.A. continues to fund three medical clinics in Ontario. And we look forward to the next O.R.S.A. conference in the spring where we have a chance to learn more from experts and network with other families, doctors and researchers. All of the funding for O.R.S.A. comes from donations.

Thank you for your support!